Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Martial Arts Battle Royal...What if they put all these fighters in the same ring together and whoever remain?

will win after 1 hour time limit, everything goes.

1. Chuck Liddell

2. Chuck Norris

3. Benny Urquider

4. Randy Couture

5. Mike Tyson

6. Bob Sapp

7. Hulk Hogan

8. Quinton Jackson

9. Bill Wallace

10. Cung Le

11. Rickson Gracies

12. Frank Shamrock

13. Tito Ortiz

14. Kimbo Slice

15. Tank Abbott

16. George Foreman

Martial Arts Battle Royal...What if they put all these fighters in the same ring together and whoever remain?
there would be many deaths because no one would stop submissions or anything... could never be fair for anyone.. be one big death match... but i would still watch most likely.. fight would last about 10 mins total
Reply:Rickson by 15 simultaneous armbars.

seriously though thats way too complicated to predict anything accurately
Reply:Bruce lee
Reply:chuck norris would look at them all and they'd die.....

nah actually i think it could go any way, after all the people would probably gang up on the person who was winning until everyone except one dude was defeated.
Reply:I would put my money on Mike Tyson. In his prime, of course.

He was awesome in his prime and has proven himself to be an absolute animal when he needed to be or felt like it.

Also, the Martial Arts would probably overlook him as a boxer.
Reply:Hulk hogan would win by a land slide brother
Reply:Gabe Ruediger by pure PWNAGE

Screw Chuck Norris.. Gabe Ruediger is the ultimate in cool.
Reply:Rickson by armbar

damn, Da Funk beat me to it!
Reply:Bruce Lee would smack the "badass" off all those cats in 1 minute and laugh for the other 59.

Otherwise I may have to go with Tito. Can't stand him but you gotta admit he's a tough knucklehead.

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