Monday, January 30, 2012

What should my tattoo be, and where should it go?

I'm irish and scottish and I want to get some sort of shamrock thing. I was thinking like a 4-leaf clover with a few regular clovers around it on my ankle. All black, and relatively small. I'm over-weight right now and don't want to get a tat anywhere on my abdomen as when I lose weight it will probably look different or distorted. But I'm afraid that getting it on my ankle is so cliche now-a-days so where else could I get it?

What should my tattoo be, and where should it go?
why not just wait....

make that choice later.

tats are really like overdone anyway...
Reply:Well, you could get it on your wrist, or somewhere else on your arm. Upper arm's cool, but you might lose weight there.

You could get it on your back, on one of your shoulder blades, or anywhere else on your back. I don't think there'll be any shape changes there.
Reply:I personally think that you should wait until you lose your weight, so there wont be a rush and you'll be confident and ready to do it.If you want to do it right now I would put it on your wrist on upper back or stomach.good luck with your weight loss.
Reply:Check out the below websites for ideas of what you may like as a tatto.. As for where and what, you should know before you get one. I am abit over weight too, but I put my first on my arm and my second on my back. The ankle sounds great too though. You should do what you want thoguh as it is your body.
Reply:My tats are were a short sleeve shirt will cover them. Some people still think only trashy people have tattoos. Do you want it for the world to see. Job interviews grandma etc.
Reply:I am not a huge fan of tattoos. Your body is your temple...yada yada yada, But if you are going to get one, I suggest getting it in a place where you can hide it if you if you go for a job interview or something. I would say your shoulder or upper back would be the best place...that way you can hide it when you want or show it off when you want with a tank top or something.
Reply:If you like it on your ankle then go for it.
Reply:Your shoulder, or forearem
Reply:you really shouldnt have other people decide this for you hun, if you do something that drastic just because people say you should,you may end up regretting it later.
Reply:I think you should get it atop of your heart to show your true love for the Irish!
Reply:If you want to incorporate both sides of your heritage into your tattoo, you could always do something with a Scottish crest and incorporate shamrocks into it. I personally feel like shamrocks are really overdone, but anyway.

It really depends on how much weight you plan to lose. Obviously you don't want to put it somewhere that will experience a lot of loss, but sometimes even places like your arms and legs can lose more weight than you think, making your tattoos distort. The best places are like your ankles, feet, neck, shoulders, and wrists because they won't shed a lot for the most part.
Reply:if you have to ask what and where, you shouldn't be getting one.
Reply:left cheek...yes butt...

leather boots

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