Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Who thinks green is a good color for a guys room.?

i dont mean green like a regular green, i mean... like a well kept lawn or a shamrock or something.

Who thinks green is a good color for a guys room.?
i think it's great. i'm probably doing my room green in the summer... hope you don't mind ;)
Reply:why not
Reply:if you like it go ahead, I actually know a guy whose room was PINK for about two years, and all he had was brothers.
Reply:Green is the most depressing color.
Reply:Hunters green is good, and you will not get tried of it and its easy to work other colors in with it.
Reply:I guess it depends on the shade of green. It sounds like this color green may be a little too bright. Try using a a different shade of green. My nephew's room is done in green, but it's sort of an army green.
Reply:Good color, you will get horny when you visit him.
Reply:Not I. If you kept the color away for the kelly green, and went with a lighter shade, it might be alright.
Reply:hey its fine my older brother has baby blue. i still dont know why
Reply:too grand and bright for me..opt for another color.
Reply:it's your room, paint it whatever color you want. a dark color like shamrock green will make the room seem smaller, though.
Reply:Green is good, but not shamrock green. Maybe Hunter Green though if you want to go dark. Matches great with Maroon.

My 2 sons' room has been light lime green (not mint) for 4 years and I have been able to match alot of stuff with it and they like it at ages 14 and 15.
Reply:he'll become addicted to cannibas
Reply:Well-kept-lawn-green? Looked for it in my coloring box, but I'm missing that color. Somebody must a broke it and not told me!

But really.......that green is nice...a well manicure's lawn is pleasing to look at. Blend it with something cute as a theme, like Gecko's or something, then you can add change to it.........oh wait....that's a Chamelion! Stick with the Gecko.....their cuter.

Actually, it kinda depends on what'cher other stuff already looks like if your trying to blend without having to redecorate. But if yer favorite cereals Lucky Charms then who care what's in yer room...........go shamrock!!!

Happy Paint'in to yha laddy.........SmileyCat : )
Reply:That'd be a little too green for me...I'd opt for more of a dark sage green.
Reply:Me!But blue and green is better!

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